12 April 2007

Links: Feeling smart

Few random stabs this week as I try to consider a world without Imus.... things I read this week that made me feel smarter.

  • I love Lost. I was an early adopter, gleeful fan since episode one, but I never followed up on any of the zaniness online until this year when I discovered J. Wood's blog on Powells.com. If you've watched the show at all, you owe it to yourself to check this thing out. It's like a Liberal Arts education rolled into a blog about a silly quasi-sci-fi television show, but it actually makes me feel smarter after reading it. It doesn't get (too) into theories and such (which I really couldn't care less about), but rather delves deep into all the amazing detailed references the shows creators throw into each episode which you almost certainly missed the 1st time through. I'm not doing it justice -- just check it out. Start at the beginning of this season and work forwards. Zing!
  • If you haven't read this article about violinist extraordinaire Josh Bell playing at a D.C. Metro stop, please do. It's all a gimmick until someone writes a fascinating piece about it, this is more about the article itself for me than what it's about, but that's wild as well. It all means something, unless it doesn't. The ensuing online chat with the author is also worth reading, save for all the Washington-centric stuff. (via Freakonomics)
  • Renters rejoice! For someone who has been renting a house for the past 2+ years wondering if and when I'd ever be able to afford to buy a place of our own, this article made me feel good.
  • JJ starts another piece of so-called microfiction today. Get involved -- it'll make you smarter. Maybe.
  • Check out the fun at PaloozaHead. Probably won't hit any festivals this year, but it's good to know that LJ made it Chicago:

Create Your Own PaloozaHead - Visit Lollapalooza.com

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