26 October 2006

Links: SnailTube

Do you like David Cross? Have you seen his new show on Comedy Central: Freak Show?

Check it out, totally Cross-style "God, this country sucks" humor in an old-school animated setting. Too rich, too rich. Any show that has a character that's named The Bearded Clam is certainly worth giving a shot, don't you think?

While I'm at it, some more TV I'm watching these days. The DVR has made it too easy to get hooked on semi-crappy shows, and getting hooked on crappy shows is one of the few things I'm good at.

Capsule reviews of some new shows I'm watching these days... usually 5-10 days after the fact.

Heroes: Lost has spurred too many wannabes, but if you throw enough shit into the bowl, some of it is liable to stick and Heroes tops that list of this season's hopefuls. Of course, the quality of a new show is so tenuous that it could easily suck by the end of the month... but that wouldn't stop me from watching it. This is like a dark, moody prequel to a Hall of Justice type situation. The scene where the cheerleader character wakes up on the autopsy table is a nominee for scene of the year.

Jericho: On the other end of the spectrum we have Jericho which takes a reasonably entertaining premise and comes out as prime time diarrhea.

Friday Night Lights: Quite simply the best hour drama on free television right now. I could see so many ways in which this show could be a crapmuffin, and not one of them is true of it. This is a drama in the truest sense of the word and the football is just a backdrop for some really good television. Highly recommended.

Studio 60: I was a big fan of Sports Night, didn't watch a second of West Wing and am back for this one. Somehow I feel invested in it after only 3 or 4 episodes, but we'll see how long it lasts. I'm sure I'll keep watching it if only because the Big Squeeze likes it.

And might I add: Good God! I watch a lot of television... if you ever want to talk turkey, this is my slate:

  • How I Met Your Mother (my guilty "yes, I'm a married man" show)
  • The Amazing Race (best reality show out there, especially if looking to not only hate Americans but most of mankind... except for Kuwaitis, somehow they are the nicest folk on the planet)
  • Survivor (why? I don't know... I guess I can't look away)
  • Numb3rs (who can resist math and overly sentimental subplots? not me... but I'm a card-carrying dork)
  • Lost (is this show getting better? or worse? I don't know|I don't care. The less it makes sense the better, as far as I'm concerned.)
  • The Office (this show actually makes me laugh out loud on a weekly basis -- enough said)
  • My Name Is Earl (this show makes me smirk on a weekly basis)
  • America's Next Top Model (no comment)
  • Of course: The Simpsons, South Park, The Family Guy (I look forward to the day I can pass on The Simpsons to my daughter on the day of her Bat Mitzvah the way it was handed to me)
...and how could I forget: Harvey Birdman Attorney At Law -- perfectly pitched zany animation. Worth 10 minutes of your time every week, no doubt.... a sampling:


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